Temporary Reflection

An autobiographical short film & photo series capturing the process of a photographer/filmmaker documenting her own journey before beginning Chemotherapy treatment.

Background behind the series:

In September 2017, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, which is Cancer that starts in the Lymphatic System. After my oncologist went over my treatment protocol, which included 6 months of ABVD chemotherapy treatments, one of the side effects of that regimen included hair loss. Knowing I would most likely lose all my hair, I decided to cut it shorter and shorter, until I shaved it all off.

I began documenting this journey through a series of self-portraits, shot on Kodak Portra 400 film. One of my favorite things about film, is its graceful imperfections, it was a representation of how I felt at the time.

My last chemo treatment was on June 22nd 2018, and as of July 2020, I’ve been in remission ever since. Since the diagnosis on, my life has changed in a way I would’ve never expected it to, and for the better. It was a journey of self-acceptance, and learning to love even the hardest challenges in life.

I titled the series “Temporary Reflection” because as everything in life, it will pass.

Chemo Journey Blog:

Fasting Blog:


Travel Diaries